Search & Recruitment
Recruitment is a cornerstone in any type of business, small or large, public or private, national or international. Finding and hiring the right team of employees is fundamental for future success and growth of any company. We can help your organization with the entire recruitment process or accommodate to the phases in which you need assistance.
Specialist, management and leader recruitment
With our client we determine the course of the assignment. Flexibility is an essential part of our approach, however we never compromise when we handle your recruitment and we never stray from our focus on diligence. We help you identify and hire the right leader, manager or specialist. Through our numerous years of professional experience, you will gain thorough, meaningful and challenging advice on the task of preparation, planning and execution.
Value-adding recruitment
Recruitment is only successful when everyone involved feels the process has added value to their organization or career – including the candidates that did not get the job. You will of course receive well-defined advice to method, process, application of tests and references, but also to your final choice of candidate. Additionally we venture one step further and advise and support the department for which you are hiring.
Onboarding – executive recruitment
In addition and as a supporting service we offer onboarding as part of our recruitment process. We help the hired candidate to succeed in the new job through close follow-up, as well as coaching and advice during the first months of employment. We are experienced business coaches, which adds an essential dimension to our dialogue with the candidate.